"And how," the Inner Voice of Reason countered, "can 'home' be India if you were born in Massachusetts?"
Clearly, Reason does not believe in reincarnation. Good thing we don't listen to Reason too much :)
Anyway, I believe in honoring one's incarnation, and this time around I was born into a Catholic family. So be it. When I arrived at our retreat center in Kerala and stepped out of my little cottage on the first morning, I was delighted to notice that I was situated right next to a tiny Catholic church. Here's a picture of it, just over the wall of our compound. The presence of this tiny church, so close by, seems like a beautiful little in-joke between me and my first Teacher: when you honor your incarnation, your incarnation honors you.
#keralachronicles #@EM_Harrington #beyondthebeyond
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